Waiver of Liability:
I HEREBY RELEASE AND AGREE TO HOLD HARMLESS R&R Promotions LLC, City of Ontario, State of Oregon, County of Malheur, ALL private and public agencies on adjoining land, AHRMA, the participants, sponsors, and the officials, directors, representatives, agents and employees of the all them of and from all liability, loss, claims and demands that may accrue from any loss, damage or injury (including death, loss of limbs, and permanent disablement) to my person or property, in any way resulting from or arising while engaged in connection with this event, and whether arising while engaged in competition or in practice or in preparation therefore, or while upon, entering or departing from said premises, from any cause whatsoever. I know the risk and danger to myself and property while upon said premises or while participating or assisting in the event, so voluntary and in reliance upon my own judgment and ability, and I hereby assume all risk for loss, damage, or injury (including death, loss of limbs and permanent disablement) to my property and myself and any cause whatsoever. R&R Promotions LLC reserves the right to deny or void any entry for un-sportsmanlike behavior.
By my signature below, I hereby agree to the terms of the above release and further agree to abide by all event rules and any special regulations during the event.